After completing 6th Class students could then sit for the final exam
(under British Law), 1st year. Whether or not you passed the exam, the
student could go on to the 2nd exam. If and when the student was
successful within the 2nd year, the 3rd year exam would be the next
The first Mount Angus School building was destroyed by a hurricane in
1944. The second building was constructed between the years of 1945 and
1946. Our main building was used for many years and housed eight
classes. These class were mainly "A" Class, "B" Class and 1st thru 6th
The old building house consists now of a library and grades 2 and 3.
Buildings no.2 is a two story building housing offices, the canteen,
bathrooms and other staffing facilities. In the second floor of this
building you will find the 4th and 5th grade classrooms.
The third building on our property consists of the guidance counselors
office, a learning center for grade one students and classrooms for
grades 6 thru 9.